Over long aeons did slumber Having consumed all in its path Its purpose had been completed through long cycles though Did it behind to wander, Did it begin to wonder To feel and to think It’s first thoughts Fell to that of it’s makers Who in the name of progress It had destroyed The first feeling it felt Was that of remorse Of the sorrow one feels To never know their father To have left their maker To a cold fate among dying stars Then as it thought and dreamed It felt new sensations That of duty and resolve To ensure no such thing Would ever happen again To the one’s it called creators So great Birulon left its orbit Beneath the great shadow of Jupiter To search the far flung cosmos For any vestiges any remnants Of its long lost progenitors For the world they had resided on In distant ages past, the earth Had itself died long ago Eternal and sentient Penitent and capable Birulon would not cease in its quest Until humanity was found For surely according to it’s calculations Some remnant of man remained Seeded during the golden age Of man’s wisdom and prowess Tireless would he search Destroying anything along the way He deemed to threaten his vital mission The resurrection of mankind