Just a day like today Like today just a day As the sun still shine Still shine the sun And my soul feels aware And aware my soul feels What will be shall come And what shall come will be
Life brings days and memories Memories and days life brings When your heart silent weeps Silent weeps your heart And take the chance To wonder and dance Dance and wonder When the chance you take Leads you nor here nor there Nor there leads you nor here But forward you take
Sings the songbird its song Brings the wind whats been gone Whats been gone the wind brings As its song the songbird sings No tears to weep So to weep no tears But to have and to keep Keep but to have
Live a life for what it is And what it is but to live
Nothing remains always And always remains nothing You walk through your life When you live through your walk And someone once said To try is to know When you know You will try And that you will know
So take heed and be wise Through age you will find You will find with age You will take heed and be wise
Live a life for what it is And what it is but to live
These are the days And the days are to live
Words that seem to depict the ebb and flow of Life and of days