A story of spheres, I'm wondering who fathered who; in the darkest kisses all under this moon. Oh, is the truth as clear under the sun, in the eyes of the lonely son? Daily are the games of fun, running away from troubles. Chasing a shot to success, like we're all chasing a gun.
But I'm into changing thought. Like the days that must come and go. Everything changes under the sun that kisses the Earth.
But in all the wonders of the sky, and it's reason and wonder. It all begs this question of,Β "why." In this night, his lover is so bright, gazing upon all of her lightness. She slowly fades out of his sight.
Wedded to his only bride, days setting, kissing her goodnight; every time he brings her a good morning. Saying hello as she's saying goodbye; hurting him more in their only first sight.
Feels like a similar to my life.
"You're a pretty flower I can't hold," he sighs, just pondering at her marvel,
"Of the sweetest of things to behold; you're always the one touched by my light," his love reflects, watching it all go to another.
"Why so, must I be allowed to watch; as you're shining it upon my brother," as the story of spheres goes.
Alas, I'm often the son of the sun, in these daylight thoughts. Anger burning my skin's surface; but what comes in between happiness and self worth? Successes of things I'm still chasing from birth, and running around in three interlinked circles. I just go back to myself in the first verse.