It is irritating beyond belief That you have absolutely no control Over what you can remember And what you can forget Especially if you are autistic I want to remember so many things Essential tasks, passwords, birthdays I want to forget so many things People, mistakes, failures However, Fate works in mysterious ways Most of the time, it so happens That you forget what you want to remember And remember what you want to forget In the past, I have been guilty Of losing a number of things Calculators, earphones, pen drives I have been equally guilty Of forgetting as many things Essential tasks, passwords, important dates However, over the last few years I have made some progress I am much less forgetful Than I used to be Because I make notes in my diary And set up reminders on my phone However, as mentioned before Fate works in mysterious ways Especially if you are autistic Just as I thought That I had established some control Over what I can remember I have started forgetting again And this time, there is no turning back