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Dec 2021
you are the sunshine that peaks through my windows on a melancholic day and lathers me with comfort, you are the blooms that grow in between bricks and plasters a smile on my face because I regain hope in healing, you are the warm cup of tea that I drink first thing in the morning and feel warmth enclose me, you are the light at the end of the tunnel that takes me out of my misery, you are that one star that twinkles and tells me it’ll be okay because you still can shine amongst so much darkness, you are the waves that always manage to kiss the shore despite the constant effort of having to do pull towards it, you are the soft clouds that remind you that there’s beauty everywhere, you are everywhere and everything my darling and I can never thank you enough for being the beauty of the world, for being everywhere and reminding me it’ll be okay
falling inlove for once and having it feel like euphoria
Written by
lili  20/Gender Fluid
(20/Gender Fluid)   
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