There are times When you work your hardest When you burn the midnight oil Yet, it is not enough Because, the pile of work besides you Grows taller and taller Till it outgrows Mount Everest As you process this And arrive at a decision That the first thing to do Is to take a nap In order to clear your head And ensure your mind is fresh You receive a call From that hated client Your nemesis-in-chief For years and years A client that has pushed you To the very brink On a number of occasions A client that has kept you on your toes Only to pull the rug from under your feet At the eleventh hour As you take the call You hope against hope That they are bringing good news But your hopes are brutally dashed As they inform you With apparent smug satisfaction That your candidates Who have been interviewed After more than a month of inaction Are all rejected Thus, you have to start all over again And ****! Just like that All those months of hard work Have gone down the drain And that is not all This is merely an addition To the gargantuan pile of work That lies on your desk As you take another look at it You feel ready to pass out To all those who've read till here This may come as a shock However, the reality is This is just a day in Recruitment