have you wondered how most of your personal and medical information is now documented by outside parties on distant servers ?
you could imagine right off that it is not quite like a filing cabinet with hand written tabs that help sort important papers which will reliably remain where you left them–
much of the data is actually scattered on "clouds" into positions that were immediately available when it was acquired and then deposited
so one may discover digital fragments of a chat-room dialogue residing adjacent to a photo of someone's aunt's latest birthday cake creation, which in turn is situated
into areas where web browsers have placed ad's about **** undergarments and software storage solutions, very possibly right next to the last character that you typed—
all this should be easily re-assembled on demand if one clicks on the icon which represents the thing being retrieved,
except for the fact that numerical crumbs are inevitably shaken loose from improper bit-positioning schemes, made possible within a digital bureaucracy bent on sorting through your under-ware.
i wonder now if tech will advance to a level that renders
"Going to Heaven"
into being irretrievably saved forever into clouds that wander aimlessly adrift over Hell ?