Each person has a song That plays in life's turntable Together in the album of humankind Rock songs, folk melodies, electronic experiments, ballads, lullabies Like the Beatles' White album A wild mix of tracks That don't seem to fit together But sounds perfect as it is What do these songs have? They have melodies that burn the heart And rhythms that scar the body Not everyone wanted to write the song It just bled out of them From lacerations of what they've seen and experienced Each song is unique to each one There is one main writer Yet the credits is shared by all Nobody wants to talk about their song They just let it play and play and play Hoping that someone listens
Theodora's song is a modern one Somewhere between pop song and dark ambient Lonely guitars, an upbeat drum machine, and scathing synth pads She keeps it like a pearl inside her head Growing wilder, more elegant, more painful The lyrics are found somewhere in these pages She tries not to think about it Yet the melody screams through her body She doesn't want it in the album But she has no choice So she writes something else Something stranger, more dignified, much higher With string sections and choir voices With what she believes are the right lyrics And this she shows to other people Hoping that this is the one that sticks
Reader, I plead. Listen to the song of your neighbor And if you are able, share as well your song, your fable