My home is the way My husband reaches out For me in his sleep, and I am wrapped in his embrace And his subconscious.
My home is the little kisses On my fingers When I stroke My cat's nose.
My home is a wondering mind That feels like a city I hardly know, so I keep returning to the same Neighborhoods, because I'm Too scared to wander alone.
My home is wondering And questioning and doubting, Because I can settle in uncertainty, But am a guest in the house of peace.
My home is searching, Frantically inspecting, A detective on the hunt For evidence of love As dust settles on all the clues I have collected and ignored.
My home is my hands That roam over the skin And fat I see, feeling The extra on me that My eyes can't subtract and My fingers can't pinch Back into skinny.
My home is forgiveness For others before I give Myself the chance to notice The damage, smoothing over The surface like makeup Applied to a wound.
My home is hiding, Fleeing, dodging the possibilities Offered to me that have Potential to be more Than participation awards, but Victories, because in every win There is a loser that Could be me.