It was four in the morning The noises I'm so subconsciously dependent on were as absent as all of the people I'm so consciously dependent on... I've never experienced a silence so untouched and equally dysfunctional. Outside of my racing mind & shaking hands the earth was dead or sleeping. It didn't seem to make a difference. I could've shut my phone off. Inhaled the night like my last cigarette. Let the insanity take its toll, and fade into my driveway but instead I called and I called and I called without an answer... Maybe if I just leave my foot like a weight to the gas pedal, close my eyes and let go of the steering wheel, I could reach some sort of fate Reveal some twisted destiny "She was born to die young, You could see it in her eyes" Am I suicidal? No Not anymore But I'm lost enough to think that my car has a better chance of leading me to where I need to be than I do And if I need to be laid up in a hospital bed Or arms crossed, six feet deep into the ground So be it At least then I could stop wandering Rest this aching skull Rid my soul of it all