I’ve been thinking a lot lately about probability.
What is the probability that two brothers decided to go textless? What is the probability that a little girl developed cancer? What is the probability that millions were moved by her story?
What is the probability that I decided to join a board game club? What is the probability that I decided to go on my phone one morning instead of paying attention to class?
What is the probability that I would be the first to respond to a Reddit post? What is the probability that I would be brave enough to start a server? What is the probability that you logged onto Reddit?
What is the probability that you saw my post? What is the probability that we met? What is the probability of all these things happening together?
I think you’re the reason I’m starting to believe in God.
I think us finding each other was a miracle.
It’s a miracle that with every branch on every timeline, we happened to climb onto this one. It’s a miracle that we get to exist in the same lifetime.
Think about it, one little changed decision, and we never would have found each other. The world is full of dominos, and every single one had to fall into place perfectly.
Look at all the little ways the world fell into place perfectly to let us exist together.