Shots of ***** is clouding my vision I made it to Mount belview with ciroc in my trunk. Legally 18 he looks for attention with a cup of concoction that I just drew up. His best friend is his cousin but we just dropped her off to get ******. Laying on my Chest he sells me his soul as I play along holding him with the feeling of being loved. I take out bag full of treats and tell him to take it as we walk naked on a street at 4 am. He starts performing his ritual of kissing me south I start seeing devils walk with us ….my God you wish I was making this up
Shots of ***** is clouding my vision, As I black out pulling up. I don’t know how I drove so far but I was behind the wheel. His house is big And I have to *** like nobody was even up still. They follow us home as the pills start to wear off I was summond by him as my **** is erected and there is ***** on his tongue. the devils crowd aroudn us as he smiles there as I’m losing my ******* mind telling him As he looks at me and say “Chill you’re just drunk abs making **** up”