four hours into a slow night with little else to do but sip coffee. images through the window wound me with new ways to feel older, draping me out with all the
ribbons from New Year's past which got ripped from those babies who later grew up to become waiters and waitresses—
from what i can make out, some kid is busting a table across the street wearing a button-down shirt with a black tie,
he will likely work a couple more hours and head out some place wearing the reverse of this with an abundance of youth to flaunt for all those girls who actively seek
something Better–
Ohhh ! He is looking this way now !!! i think..
somehow i feel this brushing of unfamiliar shoulders as our worlds of witnessing empties between these panes of our circumstance, my ambered line of sight cross–ray'd with the beams of his hot-white glare–
i watch dimly as he smiles at that young lady with the red umbrella crossing the street between us..
a few blinks later he will disappear behind a partition and i will then turn my attention inwards,
day-dreaming away the remainder of my shift about hopeful exchanges for