i've been reflecting on the topsy side of feeling strong and healthy and the turvy side of feeling a sickly white morbidity evoking a phantasmal contoured toilet shaped bed pan and the scent of syringes bathing in alcohol
when feeling better i sleep less feel more alert eat lotus and drink bone broth becoming more active and ambitious but with it more demanding impatient raw with anxiety agitated and vitriolic like a buzzing electrical box in a flood with crisscrossing wires shorting and tainting the air
when feeling poorly i turn in on myself as if walking on my knees wanting to avoid interaction feeling more and more like a square peg in a round hole i become docile my insides a wandering ghost in ethers of the unimaginable a hanging mouth hung on a face like falling sand
i ask myself is illness a drug used to bow out think about dead people avoid hurt and stress to let go as if floating through some intestinal filaments like an undigested spot of cheese and a fish head drawing closer to the shadows feeling the numbing of desire and all the blah blah blah so i'm not such an ******* cartwheeling terrors of hot air with the language of vainglory