I miss my Father,
I miss my Child,
I miss my Child's Mother.
I miss a lot of things;
but there's no going back,
I miss so much;
how Happy I once was,
though I thought myself in Despair,
and maybe I was,
but I know now the taste of true Despair.
I miss so much;
how Simple Life once was,
though I sought more Complexity,
and it worked,
but I now appreciate Simplicity.
I miss a lot of things;
but there's no going back,
I miss my Father,
I miss my Child,
I miss my Child's Mother.
One has Died,
one lives with another Family,
and the other is going to College out of the State,
I miss a lot of things
about the Past;
but I have to accept
there's no going back;
I hate that which I am capable of becoming:
Life is so beautiful, **** it anyway;
my hands and feet are blistered with echos of my frustrations.
At least it helped. For now.
And then, I wrote this.
My Shadow is such great potential;
for both Creation
and Destruction:
The wall, punching bag, pole, and floor
have been my Scapegoats for Aggression
instead of the sources of the Frustration;
for Self-Harm is foolish,
but Assault is illegal.
Plus, the Sources
are all in the Past;
and there's no going back;