Translucent tides Running with simple wishes Passion to invest, common ides Greater by instance and declination's fishes?
Low key, the sunshine we approve Wane and mightier twain, come to shore With an order to a final sense of lore, accruing A majesty, with the good nature of mine and yours...
Entertaining the could, with a sincere stare Is a curious many, the part of reasons? Or are we a shared commit, to language of redoubt, fair Or justice, complimenting heed; opuses seasons...
Might, dependency with a choice in our may... A pace of sense and soberer intent, becoming the fate of value In instinct's chance, or questions we assume are gay The desire of a moment, to collect reality in a sake, all
And give it a heathen kiss... With a repose not unlike time, is a relationship to character The couth of anecdotes such, the causes of baring that is Of a smile, that remembers the strength of worth, to learn...
Sands of work and solemn per, kisses that even were...