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Aug 2013
Nice try, dude.
But that was,
A **** lie.

You can't fool me,
I can out-smart you,
I know from experience,
When I'm being lied to.

Your lies are petty,
And your honesty is cheap.
I'm done, so done,
I am not yours to keep.

Sleep alone, I don't want you near me.
I need someone different, clearly.
Not yours anymore,
I hope you know that,
Because I don't like being called a bipolar *****,
When you also have your ******* drama fits.

Save your words, and your excuses,
because I know in my heart,
This isn't what love is.

Love is bliss.
Love is joy.

But you're just an immature boy.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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