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Jaimee Michelle
Aug 2013
This is me
This is me
Just someone's daughter
But, someone else's disappointment
I can laugh louder than anyone in the room
And cry so silently, you'd never hear a tear drop
I want to be loved so badly
But, then not at all for fear of losin that love
I hate my past being thrown in my face
Don't hesitate to throw daggers in your face
I'm sometimes the worlds biggest hypocrite
Other times I stay true to what I firmly believe
I might interrupt your story a million times
But, I swear I care about each word you say
I'll be the best shoulder to sob on
But, get frustrated when it's not returned
I'm lazy as hell
But, always have so much on my mind I wanna do
I'm completely flawed to the max
But, am obsessed with perfection
I love surprises
But, ill do whatever it takes to ruin it
I'll speak with such heartfelt words
Then turn and spew venom in your face
I never want you to go
But , ill push and push until you break
I always hear when you speak to me
But, often I rarely take the advice
I scream "Why am I like this?!" Til my tvoice is hoarse
Then lay back in bed and not change a thing
I can be lead by a string to my breaking point
I never get out the knife and cut myself lose
I'll mutter what I really think about you
But, when you ask me to repeat it, I'll say "nothing"
Anyone can guilt trip me
Even when deep down inside I know I owe this person nothing
I see the devil in your grin
But, I want friends so bad I try to ignore it
You can break my heart with just one word
But, ill just hold the broken pieces in my hands til they bleed
I'm always willing to lend a helping hand
To anyone but myself
I've come so far and changed what I saw as impossible
Focus so much harder on where I've been then where I could be going
I'd give you the shirt off my back if you needed it
Flip a switch and Idc what you need, just what I do
Music is sometimes my best friend
So I'll ignore the one standing in the room
I say I'm over it
But, I never even started the climb
You can be in my corner 24/7
But, ill be stuck on who isn't rather than thank you
I'll never forget you
Even if you never remembered me
This is me
Written by
Jaimee Michelle
Adalain lee bassett
Temitope Popoola
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Sophia Rose
4 others
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