In the rewrite of the holy scriptures' That all religions shall obey Adam and Eve Shall live forever In the garden where they were made...
Cain shall complete Able At the carnivore vegan feast! The Witch Of Endor shall be welcome Along with the soothsayer of Beelzebuby
Moses shall have no need to leave All humans shall be equally free Love shall engulf the Egyptians All shall get along according to the inscriptions
The patriarch shall be forgotten Jude shall not be boughtten Noah shall need no ark Job shall posses a pair Satan shall posses a heart Jesus shall not be so rare
The Psychedelic Mushroom shall replace The trees of Eden You shall meet up with God Every time your eaten
Certain Heavens shall be open to cheaters In fact to them and all sin repeaters
And in my favorite book The Book Of I-say-so I may change my mind And even though I will always love All my foes I assure you No one shall ever grow old!