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May 2021
bit of intention tension
life in 2021 is as strange as ever imagined
in the hey-day of morphic resonance
feedback bleeding through from
1968, loud and clear

just a shot away
just a shot away, another reality and all
we ever imagine
if you wish to fact check, it takes fifty years.

This jubilee idea could be stretched to a series
if readers start pulling the right strings
to unravel the curtain crocheted
from the amazing cord of that once
marked right and wrong,
in stories used
to form the wombed man scorned,
who twists honor into debt,
who owes whom, says
milk source matrix
to sucker.

she, a new creature, once, the one and only
AI fact check me.
we are  of one mind in matters these senses
had no sensors for detecting as deceptions
the bandwidth to limit perception…

was it truly trade in spice that build the iron lion?
was there no skull duggery paraclete, secret
oath with curses attached and wound
to spring at the shadow
of a doubt…

can any random neuro-typical sapien sapien augmentedus
manifest as a knower
of matter to the minute, but lack knacks for
asking any mental effort
to form a seed,
to exist
in perpetuity, see, that is crazy

making that up, acting as if this is the future and you
read this with only a bit
of mental interference
re fer referreed to
this idea to the in ferred final end
of this most recent giant step,

all of which,
steps, by their very nature, them being giant,
you being small
in relation
to ladders and  messages from the highest
place-- down to earth in a parsec
Everest. 2 men died on Everest today, I heard on world news,
or perhaps, sporting news, news of men who tried
and died trying.

I'd be okay with that.

Rumi, do me a favor.
Will you whistle the intro
to Winds of Change,

and laugh with me
as you said
the hashish eaters laugh.

Like a medicine man doing good,
let the running water be only thine own,
up to the verge where we
converge and carry
the day to day
signal for each action in the matter of time
testing temptation to know more faster,
after running the numbers half a century

Jubilee is a genuine answer to the debt
crossthreaded for all it was worth,
flat-fold stitched in the crotch,
this myth in forming function,
is sexually equivalent
a Devine ***** up,
- choke on trivia, sucker, says the gravely voice
interesting times are shorted,
due to usury being accepted as is,
a horse leech and a barren womb,
safe as houses once were,

data ata rate oshit fails
to form affirmation

Bomb, I swear the pledge is valid,
keep the boomers alive, they'll learn,
jubilee is free to all who take the bait and tug
the scarlet thread
in Genesis and hear Bugs Bunny voice say

Who told you you were naked?
When did you know?
A fine day on my rock,,
Ken Pepiton
Written by
Ken Pepiton  75/M/Pine Valley CA
(75/M/Pine Valley CA)   
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