I bless you G-d for bluest sky that lifts my soul up on high allows me soar, my spirit to fly, and though at left, the devil is nigh, bidding me leave my Life and die i lift my face, i lift my eye to You O G-d, to You I cry, Omniscient, Eternal I
i know now why in ancient scry in ancient sight, in ancient pry, they scribed Your Footstool as blue dye lapis stone on which there lie Hallowed Feet of He on high
and when the seer sought to spy beyond the realms of opened sky above the heads o' heaven-alumni above firmament, iced marble dry, declared with awful beauteous sigh celestial visions o' royal sapphire
yet still upon my face fall I for I believe and testify though 'yond all, You reign on high in truth, this world You occupy, through darkness we do magnify Your Name and Presence amplify
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge: #omniscient