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Aug 2013
Crumbling into dust abhorrent,
In a misery of self esteem in full denial,
Continually reviled in a revolution of nightmares,
Veiled under skylight cloaked in sapphire,
Moonlight taps the tree tops, leaving only pallid illuminations on display,
Revealed the missing link to secret lives,
Fireflies smart provoke an image of light coming out of darkness'shell,
Banners dropped grounded as resilience is lost, in some sort of ridiculous futility!

In a blazing fear of being hurt again,
Chaos runs through muddled brain,,
Pain departed, won't be restarted,
Rain of acid washed away past pain,
'Fess up it's there ain't it grand that someone cares,
With a heart so genuine and warm who blesses you with TLC.....
Maybe you are dozy, maybe you are not,
For you won't accept the mischievious feelings you have got!
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Olivia Kent
Written by
Olivia Kent  Southampton, Hampshire.
(Southampton, Hampshire.)   
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