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Apr 2021
it´s always: your eyes are so pretty,
never, I love the way your eyes light up when you talk about your dreams;

it´s always: your so cute,
never, I love that little smirk your nose makes when someone compliments you;

it´s always: your hair looks so good,
never, I love the way your hair feels through my fingers;

it´s always: I like the way you smell,
never, I want my sheets to have your scent;

it´s always: you sound smart,
never, I am fascinated by your mind;

it´s always: your teeth look so perfect,
never, your smile illuminates my day;

it´s always: I feel I can tell you everything,
never, I promise to never leave;

it´s always: you are so pretty,
never, you are beautiful;

it´s always: them saying I love you,
never them proofing it.
Carolina Martin Maqueda
Written by
Carolina Martin Maqueda  18/F/España
     Eshwara Prasad, Connie Hopkins and mariü
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