What unkind words would you not say, whose name would you hide?
What places would you flee, in dismay, or wish to Caribbean cruise to?
If I could hear your love, what would it tell me that I do not already know? What kind of fantasies would whisper? Will your fears be softly moaned, or scream loudly to be let go?
Let's pretend you knew I could hear deeper all your silences,
how many flatteries, there, would echo like broken vinyl, a skipping heartbeat, a flat tire...on the road…
Would you still lie, if you knew- that I knew, still believe in them? Still make me believe you good? (never telling the truth)
Let's say you could hear my thoughts... my inner worth...
Would you condemn me and herald my secrets? Command me for your work make me a lackey or say I'm crazy to everybody—a nobody...?
If you could see inside me or feel my worst hurts, would you understand \why and how my heart should burst?
And of course, this is all make believe, imagination at it's height, but true life is another sort of his and her stories….
from our minds' eyes to witness to be told:be realized. And every tale has once come true: man now flying, cloning, in rockets to the moon,
I'm sure my fiction will be written soon, if not already In that book...
what kind of mood "He" must of had when craving King & Koontz the idea of me... (and "god" knows who) scratching chin his beard of white in a bowl of crocodile tears,
playing pretend, and silent night with our living years...