These poems don't seem like much as I sit at my desk with the blinds open writing on the green graph paper I have always written engineering homework and poems on.
The exhaustion doesn't hit until I post them online moving the handwritten original from unfinished to finished notebook.
finished (for now) finished (but not quite right) finished (but not good enough) finished (but not worth speaking out loud) finished (and to hell with it post it)
Something about that act makes me want to go back to bed even though the sun is bright in the window sure that I will never emerge to write another word.
Thank goodness that feeling isn't permanent or this unfinished notebook now filled with bits and fragments words forgotten as soon as they were written, would be filled with blank pages.
And the finished (but not quite right) notebook getting heavier each day with MY words that have been released into the world, would only have that one poem in it.