Bed ridden.. Heart broken.. Miss spoken... I've been through it all And right now There will be no more... "Because I can no longer hold up my walls" I'll Let my walls c r a c k And s h a t t e r and c.l.a.t.t.e.r and b r e a k And then everyone can see Who I really am, a total mistake... Not a word will be said, not a tear shed.. As I let emotions leak through, these old worn down bricks.. And wash me out Leaking my infectious behavior Draining these betrayed feelings None of them will be missed.. Maybe then People like me.. won't have any doubt Maybe then I can, yell at the top of my lungs with frustration and shout.. "Maybe then" "My world will change" you tell me But maybe then.. My stupid ******* heartlessness will come back into range And then there will be no love No morsel of respect.. Meeting me I promise you is something to regret Maybe it's better to be alone.. Maybe it's better to be unloved Because when you get to know me well... *Push comes to shove