i am sorry. everything falls down we descend from an open mouth twisted kaleidoscope legs and eyes colors of all kinds was i a friend of yours hands open and close splitting doors my writing isn't very good my speaking is worse it all falls out in tangled ribbons distorted chords the pattern of the cadence of my heart is your hand crawling up my arm i see windows in skin and a mantis on your tongue aftermath has become me. i am sorry because you see i was never made to be here my mother has explained it to me fear is no good because we will all shrivel and collapse as we should i am nothing but a fever dream the rosy cheek kiss of last spring the pills in your bottles the salt in your water the freckles on your neck today is yesterday and tomorrow is believing in something you can't see i think bruises are the prettiest thing i've ever seen can't i crawl out of your stomach and into your arms selfishly i want to be your friend