So patiently I wait To see what form My madness will next take
Between the nightmares And broken sleep I long for calm A quiet peace
Yet shelters have become Far less available In the storms that have been brewing For quite some time.
I feel the rain Gentle at first Leading me to a moment Of ignorant calm I can handle a little bit of rain
But a typhoon Is another matter entirely
I beg for forgiveness For something That is entirely out of my control Because “Sorry" is a word That I know all too well.
I dig at my insecurity Because no one should have to deal with me So I start to isolate Shut myself away Locked in a room With a typhoon And no idea why I can’t breathe
So I lash out At those around me Unaware that the window, I’m looking out of, at them Doesn’t show them the storm That as raging within me. And because I can’t open my mouth To beg for help They can’t see How very lost I am.
But somehow The storm breaks for a moment So I scream, and beg and ugly cry About everything that is drowning me And in that moment The glass shatters The typhoon rages for all to see My facade in tatters on the floor My madness clear for all once more Shelters are built. Protections are forged. I’m supported and strengthened I feel brave, I feel sure, And slowly but surely The storm passes on A brief hint of sunlight A battle is won.
But I start to panic, To wonder and fear What if you all decided To abandon me here Who could blame you, I’m broken and beaten And I’m hard work to support And I’m never who I’m supposed to be. What if next time, the storm doesn’t break What if can’t get help before it’s too late.
I don’t want to hurt anyone I just want to help people heal So please forgive me my illness Let’s pretend it’s not real
I’ll keep facing the sun Live my life true And try my best Not to burden the very best of you x