We walked on boulevards Covered by the filth of our dreams Always wandering off Straying from the beaten path You were born one year and three months after me I was born into a disfigured family We met when your sister watched us We would swim our little pool Ride our bikes and race around the apartments we lived in I would always win But I let you win when you smiled at me I fell in love with you I was told it was just puppy love But six years later I still loved you We would run away When my parents were fighting And yours were drunk We would walk for hours on the beach alone We watched the soapy green tide Wash away the sand in between our toes It was there I stole my first kiss Your sister found us Sitting on the beach in silence You couldn't stop smiling I had a slight blush in my face We talked everyday Played in the sand box at our preschool Elementary was a blast We would read to each other Our favorite book was a picture book Of a black puppy Lost in the world trying to find his bone Finding his way home was hard But now that we're older I want to tell you Our home is with each other But my home was destroyed While yours in slowly crumbling That story is the story of us The ending unfortunately isn't happy Because I never found my bone And you found a new home in the arms Of your heavenly father