Welcome to corporate America Take your seat First of all, We want to let you know We appreciate you You will be an asset To our growing team of industry Pay no mind to the construction We are building ca.. Cubicles For you are now a part of a team.. Our team So settle into your seat We want you to feel empowered To grow beyond these walls But stay in your seat Remain focused Please don’t put up any pictures on your cubicles We don’t want you to be distracted We don’t want you to remember freedom Stop watching the clock For your time is our time We expect you to be an ambassador for our products On and off the clock The best advertising is free advertising And we expect you to give up everything So we can plaster our company logo across your chest Have you thought about your brand? How do you plan to sell yourself.. Back to us To prove you are worth something You see we own you now Stay in your seat We are building these cages for your own good Your own good Is to keep on task Don’t ask questions Just accept these walls We read somewhere the latest work environment is a tomb We empower you to do exactly what we say Us corporations are individuals And we want to let you know We appreciate you Enough to strip away your identity Pluck away the vowels of your name And make you a number What is your brand? You need to keep us interested in you Don’t rattle your cages Stay seated, keep focused Let us break your back Break you down To keystrokes and metrics Us corporations are individuals And you are company assets now We want to empower you By taking away your choices Your job will be what we say it is So just do it I know we told you the job would be one thing But our needs and desires are always evolving And we want to consume you Devour every bit of your talent What is your brand? Have you thought about just tattooing our company motto Across your chest? Stay in your seat and stop rattling your cages And whatever you do Don’t climb up and over the walls For you are a company asset now