In a universe where nothing could be everything and everything could be nothing I wake up blinded by the sun and my weak eyes struggle to conform but her power desires me
In a universe where silence can ring ears and actual sirens can calm them My engine rustles with promise as I drive down the unpaved road I am cement, and spill out of my windows into the potholes as I pass Shadows of trees fold over behind me as outlines of roofs emerge one day I’ll drive and count them all
In a universe where we worship time but it repays by pilfering our youth I make out silhouettes through the strands of my ***** hair Your tie taunts me, perched confidently on the base of your neck My fears in the flesh, enveloped in dark eyes and strong posture one day I’ll face him eye to eye
In a universe where we long for love but company deludes us I eat dinner alone at a table for six and stare longingly through one of my three big windows My mom probably called but my phone’s been on silent one day I’ll get free time and call her back
In a universe where nothing could be everything and everything could be nothing My pillow steals my thoughts for the closing hours of the night and I ponder on how much of me it’ll return when I wake up in the morning
Solipsism (10.16.2020) —adrianatamara
Poetic interpretation of the views of George Berkeley intertwined with mentions of other philosophers such as Hume.