if someone else held you in it would be fine to complain cry out stop
you force yourself in you cannot complain yell help out
others will hear your cry they will try to help you are not alone
but if you keep holding the box will keep it is a keep
the keep of your despair holds you in you cannot get out unless
you let go
not to forget not to hate not to lose love
instead to remember them to love them again
those left out in the rain those whose box is not held on by their own strength
you hold the keys to their liberation but to free you must first be free
so if your tears and carnality weigh you down then seek within to free you and you will if you let go
and so, perhaps hearing perhaps letting her fingers loosing perhaps throwing away the box and stretching perhaps stretching in the sun, and seeing the light again
i can hope i can pray and it may help
let there be no more souls trapped in in the box boxed in the inbox hitting refresh waiting f o r me