emptiness, so much despair hollowed out without a care in the world left staring out of sockets in your own personal hole in the ground the only sound, the last breath of air goodbye to this whole sorry affair
So you think it's time to give up do you? You've had enough, you can't take any more... you've fought and now it's time to die, a single sigh of acceptance billows out, you've got no energy left to shout. Wasted and forgotten, it's time to leave this shell to rot on without you.
So that is what you have decided.
After all of that, all the crap and defiance, you've chosen to become the burden you despise. That need you've tried to hide from those who would suppress the depressed you. The inflatable puppet with a puncture wound has fallen, into a crumpled heap.
it's time to sleep*
Well if that's your goal then I won't keep you waiting long. Obviously my will to live and fight is wrong.
So you, now, break off from me and go to hell
You're right, you're done. But don't you dare think that you have won the right rule over me, to make the whole of me, as one. You have no where near out done or out run, you see, if anything you have merely stunned me, enraged and motivated me to become more. Even more than the one you had thought to defeat before.
I don't need you.
I don't need that lingering voice of doubt, if anything you suppress my shout of defiance which rings true and bold. The full story which is yet untold. My life rolls out before me.
You thought you saw me crumble and fall. Turns out, as yet, you ain't seen nothing at all.