I will let this life find me as i walk towards trees as I linger in front of bushes and gaze at the grazing animals that now roam the city ever ease-fully those holding the wild in their walk, in the way they tilt their heads and decide to scavenger through parks because to them it’s just another piece of land no name attached
I will let life bring me the moon at night and the sun during the bird’s early morning call
I will let it find me while I undress and while I cook while I pray while I sing while I forgive
–in between all the whiles–
while I cry while I rejoice While I fill my own cup of tea to the brim at the brim of life at the loneliest at the most fulfilled at any age it chooses Life will find me as it has always done And I will let it in I will open the door holding the **** in my hands and a smile on my face (...this life is not lackluster that much I can perceive) and if it comes past my doorframe and into my expansive whiles you must indeed bet on me because I am sure I will let it in