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Nov 2020
You are exploding, beating inside of me
Whenever we see she has answered our messages
My thoughts are clouded by the strength of you
I tried to tell you "calm down" but you are too drawn in
You are obsessed
My every waking moment
Thinking of her with a smile on my face
So happy I want to scream, I try putting our happiness into words
But when I think, I understand one thing
Someday you will break
The day will come when you shatter
We never felt this way
About anybody else
It's dangerous, my poor heart
You will eventually fail
She will find someone better
And it will just go downhill
So stop your excitement
Don't force me to write so many words
Don't bug her so much for attention
Don't talk about her every day
Don't ask to fix minor problems
Someday you will shatter
We can't take no more
Don't be so drawn in my heart
Because my head foresees
It will once again
just you and me
Written by
Nero  17/Cisgender Female/Colorado
(17/Cisgender Female/Colorado)   
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