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Nov 2020
That movie I saw with my friend,
Not realizing that when she held my hand
that it was not because she was scared
And I hugged her and said my goodbyes
When we should have kissed
I can’t get that back

When I had that conversation with my professor
Asking if I wanted him as a mentor
My mind too dull then, to be truthful and say yes
Instead of freezing, and brushing it off
I can’t get that back

When I met the head of the English department
And she asked me what my favorite book was
And the shock erased the title from my mind
And I seemed like a fool when she asked someone else
I can’t get that back

And that last call from my aunt.
When I said “Love you”
But not with the emotion I should have gave
I can’t get that back
Written by
Simone  22/F/VA, U.S.A
(22/F/VA, U.S.A)   
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