You don’t know me This is inspiration calling with words and sentences for you to see It illustrates what could be your devotion It doesn’t matter if you are sitting on a rock observing the ocean The wavy detail Start writing without fail Follow writing from beginning to conclusion It might be a story full of illusion Writing is no intrusion There could be a theory Story within a story Mystery into what wasn’t expected Through the gloom of night in total darkness in sight Yet through the darkness at the end, there was a beam of light The sun is radiant, and shines bright The writer can add drama concentrating on a plight The tears that fall, the coldness of one’s heart, a life not worth living, and eyes of death a fate It is already too late But being an inspired writer one shouldn’t hesitate The writer supplies many components and adding the elements Words to be inspired too Commitment in desire is how the writer gets through The writer transcends in the distance The words of life a waits