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Jul 2013

That number can burn a woman
To the ground.
It's like that child that won't stop
Screaming for her mother.
It gets louder and louder,
Soon the woman can't look herself in
The mirror.
Because she'll see it in her face,
It'll yell in her ear,
You're hideous!
When she walks down the streets,
183 will wrap it's hands around her
Legs and shake violently,
So her body looks like a walking
It'll puff out her stomach and arms,
She'll have to cover up
In big shirts and jackets.
It'll draw little lines
All over her,
Until she resembles a road map.
183 is an evil number,
It takes away her self esteem,
Breaks her love for herself
And locks away
Her reflection.
Tessa Marie
Written by
Tessa Marie
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