United we stand Divided we fall Yet around every corner Someone holds your hand On the first few blocks Then throws you to the wolves On the last two Expecting your ideals To measure up To the person who it will matter to When you're after your dream Why is it relevant anymore This political game of chess We play with lives and the future It's only human to step On your **** once in a while And trip over your ***** But I don't need your criticism Or enlighten expectations Demanding me to be better Then the next person We're all chasing different dreams Fighting for a world We all see differently With overlapping points That seem to disagree with another's I've never seen a perfect person Glorious in presence, mind, and soul I've seen only failures That aim to be better then before Or giving up because that's all they know Don't force your ideals We all have the same goal Survive and make life easier For the seeds we plant To help the planet flourish