I lay with melancholy, A emotion that is dark and unholy Leaving you with a sense of dread Almost wishing that you were dead.
It doesn't matter how hard you try It seems you can't find the light No matter what you do, You always find yourself in the dead of night
You look in the mirror again, Tears streaking your face, Why cant i make amends Instead of always having this chase
You play hard to get, But you play to well, You get forceful, Only to beat yourself down.
You look at your past, Your forced to see what you did Like a knife to the heart, Twisting and grinding.
You beg for mercy, only to be denied by yourself You beg for forgiveness, Only to be beat down.
Don't you see. This all starts with you. As it must end the same. Until you contend with yourself. You shan't begin to contend with others. Lest you be beat down twice.