Late at night as I disappear from the public eye of the world and leave behind all my worries and fears, I take to the sky like a silent kite soaring in silence towards the stars entering the sanctuary of a quiet moon; With arms outstretched I long for the sliver of dusk to bathe me anew and to clothe me with her shimmering gown of shedding pink; O'er by the sea I watch the urchins as they whisper to the mermaids Captains christening their ships with spy glass devotion, into the mysteries of night they go, gliding towards new horizons; I lay on a hammock of woven cotton tucked between two hefty clouds of white, no one here to sing to me except angels with their bugles and golden voices... This is (my private universe) and only the stars are privy to my smiles, as I glide into this daydream in the middle of the galaxy Late at night I disappear from the world awash with eyes of stardust in the morning I wake up and realize that the world is not my place , its only a parking lot for the human race, and I don't belong in it...