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Sep 2020
So James Baldwin’s Words...
Would Appear To Be FACT...

If You’re Creative And Black...
And Are Down With The...
Alphabet Gender Pack... !!!

You’ll Get FAST Tracked...
Into... Earning Cash...

And Being Seen On TV Screens...
And Production Teams...
For All Kinds of Shows...
And Be... TV Hosts...

So For Those Black Folks...
Who Claimed That...

“We Don’t Move,
With The Type of Groups,
Like Those Now In View !”

It Would Seem That You...
Have Been DENYING The TRUTH... ?!?

That There Have Been...
... QUITE A FEW...
With... DARKER Hues... !!!

Who’ve Indulged In Moves...
With... Same *** Crews...
And Transgenders Too... !!!

So Now We Have MORE...
Than Race Wars Fa’ Sure... !!!

We’re Now Competing Against....
White Folks And Those...
Who’ve Changed Their ***...
Just For Us To Get...
To Line Up With Them...

But Yet CAN’T Express...
Opinions That OFFEND... ?!?

How On Earth Can THAT...
Be Called... FREEDOM... ?!!!?

But We Should RECOGNISE...
That It’s... ABOUT TIME...

For Us To OPEN Our Minds And NOT Criticise...

of The VERY WORST Kind... !!!


For Gender Equal Rights...
That Matter Like Black Lives... ?

Well As Others Have Said...
It’s A... WORRYING Trend... !!!

To Suggest That Gender...
Should... Enter The Blender...
Where RACISM LIVES... !!!
Because There Is NO LINK... !!!

We’re STILL Being Pushed...
And Being Told To SHUSH... !!!

Like... Well Behaved Slaves...
From Those Days of Chains... !!!

But Can These...

... Alphabet Genders...

When They’ve Been Acting Away...
In Their... Day To Day...
On Screen And On Stage...
AND... Getting PAID... !!!

When Black People Were CHAINED...
And STILL ARE... TODAY... !?!

It’s A DANGEROUS Game...
That’s Now Being Played... !!!

Because A War's Being Waged...
On Blacks Who Are Straight...
And Want To... Entertain...

To Say What They Wanna Say... !!!

And Then Be Labelled As...
Some... ARCHAIC Clan...

Whose Thoughts Don’t Belong...
In Entertainment Land... !?!

Well If THAT’s NOT Wrong...
Then I MUST BE Ignorant... !!!

And Clearly Must Need...
To Reassess What It Means...
To Actually Be... FREE... !!!

Because That’s Something...
That Black People Can’t Be...

When It Comes To Police...
When It Comes To Our Speech...
When It Comes To Being Seen...
On... Movie Screens...

Or Indeed Now It Seems...
To Join Numerous Teams...

Because of New Policies...
That DEFINE HATE Speech...

So Now ANYTHING Said...

Oh And... YES The Q’s...
We Can’t Forget About You... !!!

Will Have You Being Seen...
As A HATEFUL Human Being... ?!?

While... POLICEMAN...

WALK Away Scot-FREE...

For Making Black Folks Bleed...
And Choking With Their Knees...
Until Black Men CAN’T Breathe... !!!

The Sheer HYPOCRISY...
of Our... Societies... !?!?!

When Leaders DON’T Receive...
Any Form of... REAL Critique... !!!

For Referring To Blacks...

And AREN’T FORCED To Leave...
Or Make... APOLOGIES... ?!?

For The Way That They Treat...
....... ETHNICITY....... ?!!!?

It’s Becoming A FARCE...
Because Now It’s... " PRIDE "...
That’ll... SAVE Black Lives... !?!

But... ONLY IF...
Blacks Stand Alongside...
New Gender Rights...

So It’s The Same Old Thing...
That It’s... ALWAYS Been... !!!!!!!!!

The Way That WE Think...

To Fit In With Whites...
And New Gender Vibes...

Is That How Gays...
Have Had To Sway...
When It Comes To Race...
And What Blacks Create... ???

You’d Better REALLY THINK...
Before... ANSWERING... !!!

Can We HIDE Who We Are...
And Still Play Characters... ?
Like... Homosexuals Do... ?!?
You’d Better Think It Through... !!!

Because... ALL This Talk...
About... Hiring More...
And... Changing Laws...

To ALLOW Black Lives...

Has Factors That CAPTURE...
Just Like... Slave Captors... !!!

These Words I Write...
Will Have Me.......... OSTRACISED...
But That's Alright...
Because That’s How It’s Been...
For... MOST of My Life...

Being Ignored...
And NOT Recognised...
By... ALL Skin Types...
At... Various Times...

Because of The FLAW...
of Having A... FREE Mind...
And A DARK Skin Type... !!!

NO CLOSETS Were In Sight...
That I Could of Lived BEHIND...
Where My Black Skin...
Could of Been... “Hidden”...

So Big V... Tell Lies...
So I Can Get Inside...
Their New Club of Letters...
Now Defining Genders...

Well... NOT Now That I...
Have Recognised...
That... Artistic Fame...
Has The Type of Chains...
That Are Used To ENSLAVE...
And In FACT... DICTATE... !!!!

What It IS That You Say... !!!
Or Choose To Create...
When You Are Black...
And That’s A FACT... !!!

Sometimes You’ve Got To Say...
What It Is You Want To Say... !!!!!

Rather Than...
... “ Play The Game “...

That THEY...
WANT You To Play...

For You To End Up Being...


....... “ New Age Slave “...... !!!
Lines are now being blurred, and they need to be made clear ! They need to deal with more fairness, and most importantly... EQUALITY For ALL ... when it comes to free speech, and the right to, agree to disagree, artistically, and publicly, hence this piece.

If it offends, so be it, because black people have been offended for centuries, and are still being treated as if we don't have the same rights as everybody else.
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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