When life deals us cards, make everything taste like it is salt then you come through like the sweetener you are to bring the bitter taste to a halt.
I like the way you smile from cheek to cheek Those deep-set brown eyes makes me fall in love all over and over again
Those deep-set brown eyes.
the quirkiness in your laugh where you have no worry about the world watching, You are free because the world is watching.
As the sun drips down your face without a single care in the world, and in that moment there was us.
we stared up to the sky sang 'goodnight n go' at the top of our lungs.
Boy, you're such a dream to me. before you speak, don't move because i don't want to wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up
When life deals us cards, make everything taste like it is salt then you come through like the sweetener you are to bring the bitter taste to a halt.
This is a poem about missing someone you were, it was heavily inspired by ariana grande's album Sweetener, The last couple of lines, was me telling myself to Wake Up, i thought it should end with me waking up and accepting i was happy once, i can be happy again. it was very interesting poem because i'm talking to myself but i'm talking directly to a distant memory.