He used to tell me that my mother didn’t love me He used to tell me that no one would ever love me if I didn’t change who I was The molestation was bad but that was not the worst He terrorized me for years I was told I didn’t deserve privacy That my body was not my own and he had the right to look if he so chooses He followed me and my mom to groceries stores screaming that we spent too much money Or he would call her on the phone We were terrified that he would follow us home Scream at us, with pitted balled fists Slamming on kitchen counters Kicking the door frame until the door won’t shut anymore Criticizing me until I couldn’t stand it anymore Calling us stupid, worthless I’ll never forget the day I ran away on my bike I could see his truck passing by so I hid from him Then when I was on my way back he got in my face Like he was going to push me or hit me His face was so red and his eyes slanted in fury He lifted my bike over his head then threw it in the back of his truck I hurried into the back so he wouldn’t have time to touch me He screamed at me in the truck Asking where I was Demanding an answer I lied and I hoped he wouldn’t notice He did everything he could to scare me Some nights I would hear a car driving past I would be so scared that it was him I would stay up the entire night just to make sure it wasn’t him How do I prove that it was fear How do I prove to a jury of my peers That I was afraid he would **** us one day How do I tell you how scared I was Why doesn’t my mom believe me about the ****** abuse She was there! She knows how my legs would shake as I heard him approach the door How does she not believe me? She was scared of him too She knew about certain things Not the worst things But that should have been enough For her to leave him How do I prove to my mother that it happened How do show her how scared I was