A high school graduate
posed a question on YouTube
What is school for?
After 25 plus years
of instructing,
I'll provide
a heartfelt answer.
School, for me, is
an opportunity
to share a passion for listening,
reading, opening minds,
developing souls,
teaching students to share
their feelings,
debate opposing views,
challenge what they already knew.
I detest state tests,
and I'm worried
about the coronavirus,
but I step through my school's doors
each morning donning a mask,
and I teach
for the love of my students,
for the pride in my subject,
for the hope of our future.
I teach because if I don't,
will someone listen to their hearts,
and pre-pandemic, who will bring
extra food to share after class,
dress up as a cheerleader
at pep rallies and homecoming week,
coach cross country, sponsor
Friday afternoon writing clubs
for students who need
an outlet for their creative voices?
You see, there ARE many of us
out here who truly care
and want to teach
students life skills
and a way to cope.
Be careful when you ask,
"What goes on in my high school?"
Stop in and observe first-
I am proud of my heritage
as a second generation educator,
and I'm grateful for the students
who have taught me as much
as I've taught them.
Teachers model empathy
and understanding,
the ability to time manage
with school, sports,
and part-time jobs.
They remind us that we need
to think
and feel
and care
for each other.
Come to my school;
walk through our doors,
and then tell me -
What is school for?
My son shared this video with me. I was stunned. We need our schools and teachers as part of our communities. They teach us to care and can help us heal during this time.