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Sep 2020
Just like our culture,the changing times ,death clears the old ways  to pave way to the new ways. No one wants to die even those who want to go to heaven yet death is the destination we all share, no one escapes that.
So as I live my life don't judge me after all am the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die.
    Let me live my life the way I want to.
    Let me make my own choices
   Let me laugh like hell is breaking loose
   Let me chase my dreams
   Let me win or loose it's a part of living
   Let me fall and rise it's the process I trust
   Let me handle life it's my responsibility
Let me live without the restrictions because one day I will sing and dance to the beats of my death song like a hero on my way home after a long battle. One day I will lie on the soft brown earth listening to the silence and enjoying the peace as the grasses sway above my head because I lived a fulfilling life
So let me live.
Written by
kiddoh  F/Nairobi kenya
(F/Nairobi kenya)   
       CZ, Aparna, HP COPS SUCK COCK and Imran Islam
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