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Jun 2013
havent been in my mind as much
work has consumed my time
trying to make time for life
someday i want to leave my life
go on a wild journey
do things greater than myself
read on my down time
write to clear my mind
hoping to find what i seek
think of asking the crush out
be friends introduce ourselves to one another
sometimes i love my jobs
other times i want to go home and sleep
seeking thrills new music and sounds
the world doesnt push me back
now that im standing tall fighting
sober living never giving it up
others wont let me live it up
the lone rebel journeys for more
cant settle for less want much more
never had enough barely getting by
learning to survive need to feel alive
its easy to give up and die
try to live a fly away be more than great
give your life to faith and believe
all the darkness drowned by the light
life gets easier to sleep at night
return to what you miss
get back all thats missing make a list
return to once was do it right
return to what you love feeling right
no more feeling like a burden
no more diappointment
only you can make it happen
escape to be you
escape to find yourself
Infamous one
Written by
Infamous one
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