Why it like this? See a anthill as a mountain untill we bridge the hurdle and fly over it, over sight Looking back i can no longer see my irrational fears Washed away by all of my rational tears, hindsight.
Never forget we borne in a state of fight Even if the evil of the world attempts around every corner to shut it out We push through the blinding darkness In our hearts we will always have a guiding light Sometimes we wonder if we living right The fact that you asked that question Its a type of consciousness, so I have no doubt in your plight for righousness.
How did we get to this point When the meaning life of has become less than a point Everything we lead to believe is fake There's no truth in this world It got out, it escaped. It disappeared with real history Written in masquerade ink Hiding mistakes and atrocities.
So in essence they killed it So there is no escape. So do we accept what they falsely feed us Even though we know that it's fake Nations wiped out, displayed in musuems History's grim laced with snakes, Alexander was great, but Gengis was a tyrant that all woman he *****
What's the difference? Colour of skin.
Now do get where I'm coming from Open your mind, Stop eating the sugary mold they've been feeding To dampen the mind and truth becomes lies The revolution is now, Like a phoenix from the ashes new hope will arise. Don't stay blind Open your consciousness Give your thoughts wings let it soar above the chaos... The truth can no longer hide We opened our eyes The end of all lies should be Nigh.