i am struck dumb at a loss for any words first time in my life - nothing comes my mouth is silent- as my eyes keep recording - reacting to it all -horrified - at the audacity, of what I see- playing out - in real time-one hot mess each day and night- can't get it out of my mind
I can only think:
what the f**k have we done to ourselves and our posterity
- it all seems like a bad dream- from which any normal person would hope to wake from- and yet we sleep on, walk through- I am dumbstruck- wondering how we ever got here - wanting more then ever to quickly move on-and still we stand ignoring the facts- that are staring at us straight on so as matters keep going south-
i hereby testify:
to future generations- heed our stupidity and reconcile - what is coming your way- I apologize to you for every adult living now, I can only hope you are able to forgive, if it was me- I would sign off with my *******; but I know you won't do that-I wouldn't blame you if you did though- instead I know you will roll up your sleeves, ready to take matters into your own hands and fix everything- we could not!