What is a soul? Is it ever seen? Is there a soul making machine? Where do they go when released? Does it rest in everlasting peace? All these questions we do ask As we set upon a wanderers path Seeking answers where do they lie No one knows but we still try To understand what's not understood To take the bad and make it good To have no regrets only what we've learned Every war scar we wear we have earned New days come and continue to pass Never slowing down moving too fast Putting it all together emotions living as one This of course is not easily done Answered questions that were never asked Brings peace but peace does not last Overcoming life's every struggle In the process we learn to juggle We are the questions and life is the answer Our souls become our private dancer When you leave where will you go? That is something we will never know Its OK you'll find your place In another body with a brand new face Together we helped each other grow Becoming one with this old soul.
7-18-13 M.A.N I flubbed the ending I'm awful with ending and titling poems my mind will just ramble if I don't wrap it up I have retitled poems in the past and it made a big difference for some strange reason. I adjusted ending I hope it flows better....